Last Night

I experienced something so wonderful last night.

My nights have been plagued with fatigue more often than not these past weeks.  I absolutely needed to get of the house before I went stir crazy. A few friends and I went to visit our local Star Bar to catch up and have a couple drinks.  I brought a handful of prepackaged envelopes in my purse, slipped one in a bathroom stall, and sat outside to continue the night.

I had completely forgotten about the drop until a young lady walked onto the patio.  She slipped a long, white note out of her bag and looked at the guy next to her.  A sudden pang!  The envelope!

At first I wanted to shrink down to nothing.  I had never seen someone open a package before.  Something about the anonymous nature of the project gives me license to include journal pages, scribbling, and silly comics without abandon.

But as I watched her continue pulling notes and drawings out of the envelope,  and the guy next to her opening up the letters, I felt a connection to someone I had never met.   And I also felt somewhat creepy for not being able to stop staring.

I hope that this project will continue to bring joy to people, as it has already brought so much joy to me.
